Im Herbst sitze ich zum ersten Mal in einem Programm Comittee für einen Konferenz-Track, was bedeutet, dass ich die eingereichten Beiträge mit reviewen und bewerten darf. Im Detail handelt es sich dabei um einen Conference-Track auf der ITNG2011 (8th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations) in Las Vegas. Der Titel des Tracks lautet: Modeling and Analysis of Dependable Embedded and Real-time Software Systems Track.
Im Folgenden der Call for Papers, der auch über diesen Link zu erreichen ist.
Embedded and Real-Time Systems (ERTS) are nowadays deployed in a variety of applications, including automotive, aeronautic/aerospace, health monitoring systems, and house appliances to mention just a few. Very often these systems are critical for life and/or property. Therefore, they are subject to stringent requirements in terms of dependability. The functionality of these systems is increasingly software-based in order to take advantage of software flexibility to enable their maintenance, upgrade and configuration. The model-driven approach is very promising as to coping with the increasing complexity of ERTS. This approach puts the focus on models of higher level of abstraction to enable the correct specification and the analysis of these systems.
The goal of this track is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both the academia and the industry to present, discuss and share their experiences, ideas, innovations, and concerns related to the modeling and analysis of embedded and real time software systems. The scope of this track includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Models and Metamodels of embedded and real time software
- UML-based models for embedded and real time systems: SPT, MARTE, SYSML etc.
- Consistency issue in UML models of embedded and real time systems
- Analysis techniques (schedulability, performance, worst-case execution time, end-to-end flow analysis)
- Model checking techniques for embedded and real time software
- Simulation of embedded and real time software
- Testing of embedded and real time software
- Real time constraints specification and analysis
- Middleware for embedded and real time systems
- Dependability attributes of embedded real time systems including availability, reliability and security
- Configuration and deployment of embedded and real time software
- Maintenance and upgrade of embedded and real time software
- Tool support
Paper Submission:
Papers must represent high quality and previously unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. Your submission should include the author names, complete mailing addresses, telephone and email addresses of the authors. Interested authors should submit a 6-page article of their original and unpublished work including 5 keywords in the IEEE format. Please submit your paper via the Web-based system at:
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and available on the IEEE digital library.
Evaluation Process:
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Per ITNG policy, except for invited papers, all papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society and available on the IEEE digital library.
Journal Special Issue:
The authors of the best papers that will be accepted for publication in this track will be selected and invited to submit an extended verstion to be published in a special issue of the Advances in Engineering Software Journal -Elsevier.
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2010
Author Notification: November 26, 2010
Advance Registration: January 12, 2011
Camera Ready Paper: February 4, 2011
Conference dates: April 11-13, 2011