
Workshops and Conferences

Georg Püschel, Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Christian Piechnick, and Uwe Aßmann.
Testing Self-adaptive Software: Requirement Analysis and Solution Scheme
In: International Journal on Advances in Software, vol 7, no 1&2, IARIA, 2014, pp. 88-100.
PDF (full Journal via IARIA)
Somayeh Malakuti and Claas Wilke.
Energy Aspects: Modularizing Energy-Aware Applications
In: 3rd International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2014), ACM, 2014
PDF and BibTex (via ACM)

Lars Schütze, Claas Wilke, and Birgit Demuth.
Tool-Supported Step-By-Step Debugging for the Object Constraint Language
In: Object Constraint Language 2013 (OCL 2013), Vol. 1092, CEUR Proceedings, RWTH Aachen, 2013, pp. 73-82.
PDF (via CEUR) | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Sebastian Götz, Christian Piechnick, and Uwe Aßmann.
Energy Consumption and Efficiency in Mobile Applications: A User Feedback Study
In: The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2013), IEEE Computer Society, 2013, pp. 134-141.
PDF (via IEEE Xplore) | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Sebastian Götz, and Uwe Aßmann.
Energy Profiling as a Service
In: Umweltinformatik zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Wandel, Workshop auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (Informatik2013), Lecture Notes in Informatics, Vol. 220, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2013, pp. 1043-1052.
Sebastian Götz, René Schöne, Claas Wilke, Julian Mendez and Uwe Aßmann.
Towards Predictive Self-optimization by Situation Recognition
In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Energy Aware Software-Engineering and Development (EASED@BUIS), Number 4/13 of Oldenburg Lecture Notes in Software Engineering, 2013, pp. 11-12.
PDF | BibTex
Georg Püschel, Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke and Uwe Aßmann.
Towards Systematic Model-based Testing of Self-adaptive Systems
In: Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE), 2013, pp. 65-70.
PDF | BibTex | Best Paper Award
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Georg Püschel and Uwe Aßmann.
Model-driven Self-optimization Using Integer Linear Programming and Pseudo-Boolean Optimization
In: Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications (ADAPTIVE), 2013, pp. 55-64.
PDF | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Sebastian Götz, and Sebastian Richly.
JouleUnit - A Generic Framework for Software Energy Profiling and Testing
In: Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Green in/by software engineering (GIBSE 2013), ACM, 2013, pp. 9-14.
PDF (via ACM) | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Sebastian Götz, Christian Piechnick, Georg Püschel, and Uwe Aßmann.
Comparing Mobile Applications' Energy Consumption
In: SEGC - Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing Track at the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC2013), ACM 2013, pp. 1177-1179.
PDF (via ACM) | BibTex

Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Christian Piechnick, Sebastian Götz, Georg Püschel, and Uwe Aßmann.
Comparing Mobile Applications' Energy Consumption
Technical Report TUD-Fl12-10 Dezember 2012, Technische Universität Dresden, 2012.
PDF | BibTex
Uwe Aßmann, Andreas Bartho, Christoff Bürger, Sebastian Cech, Birgit Demuth, Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Sven Karol, Jan Polowinski, Jan Reimann, Julia Schroeter, Mirko Seifert, Michael Thiele, Christian Wende, and Claas Wilke.
DropsBox: the Dresden Open Software Toolbox
In: Vol. 11 of Software Systems and Modeling, November 2012.
PDF (via Springerlink) | BibTex
Josef Spillner, Christian Piechnick, Claas Wilke, Uwe Aßmann, and Alexander Schill.
Autonomous Participation in Cloud Services
To appear in: The 5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
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Jan Reimann, Claas Wilke, Birgit Demuth, Michale Muck, and Uwe Aßmann.
Tool Supported OCL Refactoring Catalogue
In: 2012 Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling (OCL 2012).
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Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly, Georg Püschel, Christian Piechnick, Sebastian Götz and Uwe Aßmannn.
Energy Labels for Mobile Applications
In Proceedings of First Workshop for the Development of Energy-aware Software (EEbS 2012), Lecture Notes in Informatics, Vol. 208, Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, 2012, pp. 412-425.
Preprint PDF | PDF Slides | BibTex
Christian Piechnick, Sebastian Richly, Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, and Uwe Aßmann.
Using Role-Based Composition to Support Unanticipated, Dynamic Adaptation - Smart Application Grids
In: Proceedings of ADAPTIVE 2012, The Fourth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-adaptive Systems and Applications, pp. 93-102, 2012.
PDF | BibTex | Best Paper Award
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Richly and Uwe Aßmann.
Approximating Quality Contracts for Energy Auto-Tuning Software
In: Proceedings of First International Workshop on Green and Sustainable Software (GREENS 2012), pp. 8-14, 2012.
Claas Wilke.
Energieverbrauchsermittlung von Android-Applikationen
Innovationsforum open4INNOVATION2012
regional kooperativ-global innovativ Beiträge zum Fachforum, Technischer Bericht TUD-FI12-05-Mai 2012, Technische Universität Dresden, pp. 70-74.
PDF (complete proceedings) | PDF Slides | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Andreas Bartho, Julia Schroeter, Sven Karol, and Uwe Aßmann.
Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation
TOOLS Europe 2012, LNCS 7304, pp. 321-336. Springer, Heidelberg (2012).
PDF (via Springerlink) | PDF Slides | BibTex
Sebastian Götz, Max Leuthäuser, Christian Piechnick, Jan Reimann, Sebastian Richly, Julia Schroeter, Claas Wilke, and Uwe Aßmann.
Entwicklung Cyber-Physikalischer Systeme am Beispiel des NAO-Roboters
In: Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2012 - Tagungsband, Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2012
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Claas Wilke, Andreas Bartho, Julia Schroeter, Sven Karol, and Uwe Aßmann.
Extended Version of Elucidative Development for Model-Based Documentation and Language Specification
Technical Report TUD-FI12-01-Januar 2012, Technische Universität Dresden, ISSN 1430-211X
PDF | BibTex
Julia Schroeter, Sebastian Cech, Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke and Uwe Aßmann.
Towards Modeling a Variable Architecture for Multi-Tenant SaaS-Applications
In Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2012).
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Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Cech, and Uwe Aßmann.
Architecture and Mechanisms for Energy Auto Tuning
In: Naima Kaabouch and Wen-Chen Hu (Eds.): Sustainable ICTs and Management Systems for Green Computing, IGI Global, pp. 45-73, 2012.
PDF (via IGI Global) | BibTex

Sebastian Götz, Max Leuthäuser, Jan Reimann, Julia Schroeter, Christian Wende, Claas Wilke, and Uwe Aßmann.
NaoText: A Role-based Language for Collaborative Robot Applications.
To appear in: Proceedings of the international ISoLA Workshop on Software Aspects of Robotic Systems, Vienna University of Technology, October 17 - 18, 2011.
PDF Slides | BibTex
Johannes Waltsgott, Sebastian Götz, Ronny Fritzsche, Sebastian Cech, and Claas Wilke
State of the Art: Hardware Energy Management.
Technical Report TUD-FI-11-06, September 2011, Technische Universität Dresden, ISSN 1430-211X.
PDF | BibTex
Ronny Fritzsche, Johannes Waltsgott, Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, and Sebastian Cech.
State of the Art: Optimization of Energy Consumption in Storage Systems.
Technical Report TUD-FI-11-05, September 2011, Technische Universität Dresden, ISSN 1430-211X.
PDF | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Sebastian Götz, Sebastian Cech, Johannes Waltsgott, and Ronny Fritzsche.
Aspects of Software's Energy Consumption.
Technical Report TUD-FI-11-04, September 2011, Technische Universität Dresden, ISSN 1430-211X.
PDF | BibTex
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Sebastian Cech, and Uwe Aßmann.
Runtime Variability Management for Energy-efficient Software by Contract Negotiation
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Models@run.time at the ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2011)
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Claas Wilke, Sebastian Götz, Jan Reimann, and Uwe Aßmann.
Vision Paper: Towards Model-Based Energy Testing
In: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS2011), Wellington, New Zealand, October 16-21 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 6981), pp. 480-489, 2011.
PDF (SpringerLink PDF and BibTex) | PDF Slides
Claas Wilke and Birgit Demuth.
UML is still inconsistent! How to improve OCL Constraints in the UML 2.3 Superstructure
In: OCL and Textual Modelling 2011, Vol. 44 of Electronic Communications of the EASST, 2011.
PDF | PDF Slides | BibTex
Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Jan Reimann, Mirko Seifert, Christian Wende, Christian Werner, Claas Wilke, and Uwe Aßmann.
Model-driven Modernisation of Java Programs with JaMoPP
In: Joint Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Model-Driven Software Migration (MDSM 2011) and the Fifth International Workshop on System Quality and Maintainability (SQM 2011), March 1, 2011 in Oldenburg, Germany, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, p. 8-11.
PDF (complete proceedings) | PDF Slides | BibTex

Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Matthias Schmidt, Sebastian Cech, Johannes Waltsgott, and Ronny Fritzsche.
THEATRE Resource Manager Interface Specification v. 1.0
Technical Report TUD-FI10-08, Technische Universität Dresden, December 2010, ISSN 1430-211X.
PDF | BibTex
Sebastian Götz, Claas Wilke, Matthias Schmidt, Sebastian Cech, and Uwe Aßmann.
Towards Energy Auto Tuning
In proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Green Information Technology (GREEN IT 2010), Singapore, October 25-26, 2010.
Florian Heidenreich, Jendrik Johannes, Sven Karol, Mirko Seifert, Michael Thiele, Christian Wende, and Claas Wilke.
Integrating OCL and Textual Modelling Languages
Models in Software Engineering - Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2010, Oslo, Norway, October 2-8, 2010, Reports and Revised Selected Papers. LNCS Series (6627), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pages 349-663.
PDF (workshop pre-print) | PDF (SpringerLink PDF and BibTex)
Claas Wilke, Michael Thiele, and Christian Wende.
Extending Variability for OCL Interpretation.
In: Petriu, D. C., Rouquette, N. and Haugen, O. (Eds.): Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, MODELS 2010, Oslo, Norway, October 3-8, 2010, Proceedings, Part I. LNCS Series (6394), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pages 361-375.
PDF | BibTex
Claas Wilke, Jens Dietrich, and Birgit Demuth.
Event-Driven Verification in Dynamic Component Models.
In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP2010), Praghue, Czechia, June 22, 2010, pages 79-86. KIT Karlsruhe, Germany, June 2010.
PDF (Complete Workshop Proceedings) | BibTex

Birgit Demuth and Claas Wilke.
Model and Object Verification by Using Dresden OCL.
In: Proceedings of the Russian-German Workshop Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice, Ufa, Russia, July 25-31, 2009. Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia, July 2009.
PDF | PDF Slides | BibTex


  • Claas Wilke.
    Energy-Aware Development and Labeling for Mobile Applications.
    PhD Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, November 2013.
    PDF | BibTex | Awarded as Best PhD Thesis 2014 at Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden
  • Claas Wilke.
    Model-Based Run-Time Verification of Software Components by Integrating OCL into Treaty.
    Dimploma Thesis, Technische Universität Dresden, September 2009.
  • Claas Wilke.
    Java Code Generation for Dresden OCL2 for Eclipse.
    Großer Beleg (Minor Thesis), Technische Universität Dresden, February 2009.